Treatment and rehabilitation needs

PART 7 – Treatment and rehabilitation services

This part of the Lifetime Care and Support Guidelines is issued under section 93 of the Lifetime Care and Support (Catastrophic Injuries) Act 2014 (LTCS Act).

To avoid requirements that might be unreasonable in the circumstances on any participant, the LTCS Commissioner may waive observance of any part or parts of these LTCS Guidelines.

  1. Policy
  2. The LTCS Commissioner will fund reasonable and necessary treatment and rehabilitation needs of participants in relation to the injury sustained in the motor accident. Services should be provided by a qualified health professional.

    "Treatment and care needs" is defined in Section 9 of the LTCS Act. For the purpose of this Part of the LTCS Guidelines, the phrase "treatment and rehabilitation" is used to mean "treatment and care needs" as it is defined under the LTCS Act.

    Treatment and rehabilitation services are included in the bed day fee when the participant is an inpatient and therefore are not funded separately.

    Rehabilitation is defined as the process of restoring or attempting to restore the person, through the combined and co-ordinated use of medical, social, educational and vocational measures, to the maximum level of function of which the person is capable or which the person wishes to achieve and includes placement in employment and all forms of social rehabilitation such as family counselling, leisure counselling and training for independent living.

  3. Treatment and rehabilitation services funded by the LTCS Commissioner
  4. The LTCS Commissioner will fund the reasonable and necessary costs of treatment and rehabilitation services where:

This Treatment and Rehabilitation policy applies to all requests and services that are not the subject of a specific policy elsewhere in the LTCS Guidelines.

Rehabilitation services may be requested as part of the participant's Community Discharge Plan, Community Living Plan or may be separate from a participant's existing plan. All rehabilitation and treatment services require prior approval in writing from the LTCS Commissioner.

The LTCS Commissioner will not fund:

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