Services we pay for

Services we pay for

We pay for the treatment, rehabilitation and care needs of a participant when they are related to their motor accident injury.

All services should be pre-approved before they are provided.

Services may include:
The services must be related to the motor accident injury and be considered 'reasonable and necessary'. There are also certain things that are not considered treatment, rehabilitation and care in the Scheme and cannot be paid for.
For more information on what we can and cannot pay for, see our information sheet external link or call us on 1300 738 586.

Once services have been approved, you should be given a certificate (or a purchase order) by the participant's LTCS coordinator or case manager. This will detail the services that have been approved.

If there are services that have not been approved, the reasons will be provided on the certificate. If you have any questions about this please talk to the participant's case manager or LTCS Coordinator.