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Current consultations

This page hosts consultations related to the Motor Accident Injuries Scheme.

Discussion paper – Three-Year Review of the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2019: Closed

The Three-Year Review

The Motor Accident Injuries Act 2019 (MAI Act) requires the Special Minister of State to review the MAI Act every three years. The Minister established the Terms of Reference for the review into the operation of the Motor Accident Injuries (MAI) Scheme and to report on the extent the MAI Act is working in practice. The Minister has tasked the Insurance Branch, Economic and Financial Group, Treasury to undertake the review in accordance with the Terms of Reference.

This discussion paper has been released to assist the community with contributing to the review.

Key Documents


You can submit written responses to this discussion paper up until 11:59pm on Friday 29 September 2023 to Your response will be acknowledged by the Branch.

If you wish to speak with someone, please email your contact details to the Insurance Branch for a call back or contact Access Canberra on 13 22 81 and ask for the Insurance Branch in the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (CMTEDD).

The discussion paper focusing on relevant items of the Terms of Reference. It provides general information on the MAI Scheme starting from the time of making the application. The series of questions are intended as prompts. Rather than providing a detailed response to each of the questions, consider them an aid to support your response.

Inform the review report. We will use responses to the discussion paper, together with other sources of feedback and data, to complete the report for the Special Minister of State. It is expected that the report will be tabled in the Legislative Assembly in the first quarter of 2024.

All information (including name and address details) contained in submissions will be made available to the public unless you indicate that you would like all or part of your submission to remain in confidence to the review. Automatically generated confidentiality statements in emails do not suffice for this purpose. Respondents who would like only part of their submission to remain in confidence, please clearly indicate this in the response. Alternatively, you can provide the information in a separate attachment marked as confidential. Legal requirements, such as under the Freedom of Information Act 2016, may require access also being given to any confidential submission.

Significant Occupational Impact Assessment Guidelines: Closed

The MAI Commission has developed draft guidelines for assessments to evaluate whether a person’s injuries arising from a motor accident have had a Significant Occupational Impact (SOI) on their ability to work.

A report confirming a SOI can provide a pathway for an injured person to access damages in common law if they were not at-fault in a motor accident.

We are asking for interested stakeholders, including insurers, those with motor accident injuries, the legal profession, medical and health professionals to provide feedback on the draft guidelines.

You can have your say on the guidelines by providing a written submission to

We may publish a summary report listing submissions (unless marked confidential), feedback and outcomes. We will not publish individual submissions.

Submissions must be received by no later than 11:59pm on 31 March 2023. Submissions may be considered as they are received.

Click here to access a copy of the Consultation Draft SOI Guidelines [ 544 KB ]

The draft guidelines set out the legal framework and principles which underpin the SOI assessment as well as detailing procedures to be followed by an independent assessor in carrying out an assessment. The draft guidelines incorporate amendments in the MAI Amendment Bill 2023.

The procedures in the draft guidelines have been reviewed for technical accuracy and to reflect professional standards for vocational assessments by Dr Margaret Black, an independent consultant with Metis Rehabilitation.

We will use your feedback so we can implement best practice for the conduct and reporting of SOI assessments under the MAI Scheme. We will issue the SOI assessment guidelines once submissions have been considered and the MAI Amendment Bill 2023 has been passed.