Scheme Knowledge Centre

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Scheme Knowledge Centre

For further information on the Motor Accident Injuries Scheme, guidelines and other information, please refer to the following documents.

Compliance framework

The Compliance Framework outlines how the MAI Commission undertakes its regulatory role.

Overview of the MAI Scheme

To find out more about the MAI Scheme, please visit the Your MAI insurance page and the Make an MAI application page.

MAI Scheme guidelines

To read about the MAI Scheme guidelines, please visit the ACT Legislation website.

MAI Insurance Premiums

For further information about MAI insurance premiums, please visit the How MAI insurance premiums are set page.

The Handling of Funeral Benefits Applications

To read about the MAI Scheme’s “No Wrong Door” approach to handling Funeral Benefits Applications, please see this policy statement.

Guides and information sheets

The Indexation Guide is a biannual publication that explains the indexation process and summarises its impact on key dollar amounts under the MAI Scheme (e.g. income replacement benefits).

This pack explains key details about Quality of Life Benefit:

These tables summarise the impact of indexation on the dollar amount of Quality of Life Benefit and Quality of Life Benefit Damages (extract from the Indexation Guide):

These two factsheets provide an overview of recovery plans. One is tailored for the needs of injured people and the other for general practitioners:

How to apply for support and understand what is available

To learn more about how to apply for support and understand what is available, please visit the Make an MAI application page.